
Welcome to my blog about my life in Tanzania. My name is Joseph Landry and I am a 22 year old Canadian living in the semi-rural village of Iringa on a 10 month internship. After I graduated with a B.Sc. from the University of Northern British Columbia in beautiful Prince George, BC, I began applying for the Canadian International Development Agency's International Youth Internship Program. I ended up getting a position with a great organization named Emmanuel International as a Primary Health Care Worker in the Amani Training Centre.

So I hope that you enjoy this blog and let me know if you have any questions or comments!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Less than a week...

Well since I last wrote a great deal has happened; my working permit came in, my plane tickets got booked, and basically everything has fallen into place for me to hop over the pond to my new home in Tanzania. I was expecting to be there already but as things worked out we are not heading over until the 16th of September. My personality deals with such unexpected occurrences quite well, as I always try and focus on the good that comes out of a situation (and this is a key skill for someone working internationally - as time will tell).

One such good was the wedding of my cousin Breanne(once removed? I don't follow all the technical stuff so she is my cousin as far as I am concerned) to Colin, which I was fortunate enough to attend this past Saturday. It was a great time, with the ceremony taking place in a country field, complete with hay bails, carts, and even a working shotgun (don't worry, it wasn't loaded, although I wouldn't put it past the owner, Dustin). They even towed all of the guests out behind tractors to the seating area. Everything went great, and the reception hall was beautifully decorated - and the bathroom had almost every personal hygiene product you could think of, right down to denture cream and Q-tips (don't ask me who is using this stuff at a wedding). Anyways I am getting off track with the details here and basically just wanted to say that it was an excellent time, and I got to see many family members and say goodbye before I leave to Tz.

Also, I posted the pictures of my Mount Robson hiking trip, you should be able to access them via the link on the right that says "pictures". It seems to be working but please someone let me know if they are having trouble getting to the Facebook page that stores them. I think that this will be the most viable way for me to post pictures once I am in Africa. As you may see it was an incredible trip, with great weather and company (Thanks to my Uncle Roger, Auntie Vicki and Cousin Kyle! Okay and Jenna was there too :D...). Well now I am going to be packing for the next 5 days in a frenzy so the next post will be from Iringa, Tz. Hopefully the flights go well and our luggage makes it along with us. Until next time!


Jenna said...

hahah whatever.. the ranger cabin was the best part, don't even try to pretend like you didn't love it.

Anonymous said...

I won't ask!!

Jenna said...

haha, ten bucks says "anonymous" was my mom