
Welcome to my blog about my life in Tanzania. My name is Joseph Landry and I am a 22 year old Canadian living in the semi-rural village of Iringa on a 10 month internship. After I graduated with a B.Sc. from the University of Northern British Columbia in beautiful Prince George, BC, I began applying for the Canadian International Development Agency's International Youth Internship Program. I ended up getting a position with a great organization named Emmanuel International as a Primary Health Care Worker in the Amani Training Centre.

So I hope that you enjoy this blog and let me know if you have any questions or comments!

Friday, August 10, 2007


So it looks like this blog is all set up and working now - interesting, it is, to follow something as it is born and grows and then to suddenly become a part of it. The "blogosphere," as it is known, has captured my attention for quite some time, along with the concept of "Web 2.0". I think that the idea of the Internet evolving to be mainly user driven is a good one, as long as it fosters creativity and does not sequester it. For my purposes this online journal is the most efficient way to communicate with a large number of people, and if the number of expat blogs online nowadays is any indication, it is a relatively good medium.

So just to update you, I have completed my training, which consisted of 2 weeks with EI in Stoufville and 2 weeks in Toronto doing COPE (Cultural Orientation for Personal Endurance and Enjoyment). Now I have been spending time in and around Prince George, preparing and saying goodbyes, along with some recreation time enjoying the beautiful outdoors that Canada has to offer. This week I am hiking Mt Robson, which is something I have wanted to do for a couple of years now - it will not only be a great chance to enjoy the wilderness but should also provide a good test subject for my future picture posting methods on this blog. I am going to include a list of my responsibilities as outlined in the CIDA job description here because I had it in my intro before but it made the page far too long:

-Bringing motivation and resources to students and staff with regards to health promotion and disease prevention.

-Working with the centre staff to develop a health curriculum to address prevalent health issues including malaria, diahorreal disease and STDs.

-Encouraging improvement of household level hygiene, sanitation, water use and cooking facilities, both within the centre and through extension village visits and practical demonstrations.

-Working with community groups to improve the level of education in the village on HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention and care.

-Encouraging students to develop creative presentations which can be performed in local schools and villages to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS.

Phew, sounds like a lot, but I am up for it and excited beyond belief...until next time!

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