
Welcome to my blog about my life in Tanzania. My name is Joseph Landry and I am a 22 year old Canadian living in the semi-rural village of Iringa on a 10 month internship. After I graduated with a B.Sc. from the University of Northern British Columbia in beautiful Prince George, BC, I began applying for the Canadian International Development Agency's International Youth Internship Program. I ended up getting a position with a great organization named Emmanuel International as a Primary Health Care Worker in the Amani Training Centre.

So I hope that you enjoy this blog and let me know if you have any questions or comments!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Busy Busy

Sorry that the posts have been lacking of late. As you can imagine, as time has progressed, so has my language ability and correspondingly my workload. I have been spending every weekday out at Amani for the past several weeks and when I do get to town on the weekends things have been hectic. The teaching is going well; we have covered many topics including basic human biology, hygiene and sanitation, mother and child health, water use and SODIS, nutrition and diet, and malaria. Next week Andrew and I will teach about cooking techniques and environmental awareness, and then the whole crew will be headed down to Malawi for a week long retreat. We will be meeting up with the EI Malawi people including the other interns who we went to training school with so it should be a good weekend. After we return I hope to spend the final weeks of the internship covering respiratory diseases, diarrheal diseases and HIV/AIDS. Also I would like to facilitate a few seminars which will serve to build on the student’s knowledge of what they have learned and to answer any questions they may have. Anyhow I just wanted to give a quick update, hope that you are all doing well in your respective countries!

1 comment:

Ma Barker said...

Hey Joe, Diana Barker here (Jess and Luc’s Mom) I just wanted to say hi and thank you for commenting on Luc and Erin’s Blog today. Know your words of encouragement are appreciated by them and us who love them. I feeling kind of teary today after reading Erin’s email- I hate knowing she is feeling bummed out- the Mother Lion syndrome I guess; I want to react and strike out to any one who is hurting my children and loved ones …whether it's words, or gestures!
I follow your Blog very regularly and love to read of your adventures and thoughts. You are a wonderful writer and I enjoy every moment visiting with you here. I am proud to know you and hope if you ever stop this way again (Kelowna) that you consider sharing with us a glass of wine and meal together… or anything else we can offer you. In Friendship, Peace & Grateful Spirit, Diana
Remember... Hold on Tight to the Ones You Love