
Welcome to my blog about my life in Tanzania. My name is Joseph Landry and I am a 22 year old Canadian living in the semi-rural village of Iringa on a 10 month internship. After I graduated with a B.Sc. from the University of Northern British Columbia in beautiful Prince George, BC, I began applying for the Canadian International Development Agency's International Youth Internship Program. I ended up getting a position with a great organization named Emmanuel International as a Primary Health Care Worker in the Amani Training Centre.

So I hope that you enjoy this blog and let me know if you have any questions or comments!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone! Just wanted to apologize for the lack of updates this month and let you know that it is because I have been travelling through Zambia for the last couple of weeks. It is very beautiful here with much to do and see. The internet access is a bit dodgy so I will write a full post about my holiday time here once I get back to Tanzania. Thanks for your understanding!

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